Everything You Need to Know About Visiting Bordeaux with Kids

Are you planning a family vacation to Bordeaux? Well, you’re in for a treat! Bordeaux, with its charming vineyards, historic sites, and family-friendly activities, is a fantastic destination for both parents and children. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about making the most of your trip to Bordeaux with kids, with a special emphasis on sustainable travel.

Embarking on a family adventure to Bordeaux promises more than just the allure of exquisite vineyards and fine wines. This historic city along the scenic Garonne River has quietly evolved into a haven for families, seamlessly blending its rich cultural heritage with a myriad of family-friendly attractions. From captivating museums to eco-conscious accommodations and vibrant public spaces, Bordeaux beckons to parents and children alike, offering an immersive experience that transcends the traditional notions of a wine-centric destination.


In this guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about visiting Bordeaux with kids, exploring sustainable travel options, highlighting must-visit places, and sharing insights into family-friendly dining.

Bordeaux: A Family-Friendly Haven

Bordeaux Travel Guide La Cite du Vin 20
Source/bordeaux travel guide

Bordeaux, often associated with its world-renowned vineyards, may not strike you as a family-friendly destination at first glance. However, this picturesque city along the Garonne River has a lot to offer for families with kids of all ages.

Family-Friendly Accommodations

When planning your stay in Bordeaux, consider opting for family-friendly accommodations. Several hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals cater specifically to families, providing amenities like play areas, babysitting services, and kid-friendly menus. Look for places that prioritize sustainable practices for an eco-friendly stay.


Exploring Bordeaux’s Parks and Gardens

Bordeaux boasts beautiful parks and gardens, perfect for some family downtime. Parc Bordelais, with its expansive playgrounds, pedal boats, and puppet shows, is a hit among the younger crowd. The lush greenery offers a serene escape for parents too. Don’t forget to pack a picnic for a sustainable outdoor meal.

Educational and Entertaining Museums

For a blend of education and entertainment, Bordeaux has museums that cater to all ages. The Cap Sciences Museum, for instance, provides interactive exhibits that will captivate the curiosity of both children and adults. Dive into the world of science and technology while fostering a love for learning in a sustainable environment.

Sustainable Travel in Bordeaux

Bordeaux has embraced sustainable practices, making it an ideal destination for eco-conscious families. From eco-friendly accommodations to responsible tourism initiatives, the city is committed to preserving its natural and cultural heritage.

Eco-Friendly Transportation Options

When exploring Bordeaux with kids, consider using sustainable transportation options. The city has an extensive network of cycling paths, making it easy to explore on two wheels. Rent bikes for the family and pedal your way through the charming streets and along the riverbanks, reducing your carbon footprint in the process.

Responsible Wine Tours

Bordeaux is synonymous with wine, and while wine tasting may not be the first activity that comes to mind when planning a family trip, there are ways to make it kid-friendly and sustainable. Look for vineyards that incorporate eco-friendly practices and offer tours suitable for families. Some vineyards even have grape juice tastings for the little ones.

Must-Visit Places in Bordeaux with Kids

Now that we’ve covered the family-friendly and sustainable aspects, let’s dive into some must-visit places that will make your trip to Bordeaux memorable.

La Cité du Vin

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La Cité du Vin is a wine-themed amusement park that provides a unique and interactive experience for visitors of all ages. While adults explore the rich world of wines, children can engage in entertaining activities like grape stomping and interactive exhibits.

Darwin Ecosystem


For a more unconventional experience, head to the Darwin Ecosystem. This former military barracks has transformed into a cultural and social space. With street art, skate parks, and workshops, it’s a great place for kids to explore and learn about creativity and sustainability.

Jardin Public

quartier jardin public saint seurin notre itineraire pour ne rien rater 24 1
Source/Découvrir Bordeaux

Jardin Public is a beautiful public garden that offers a tranquil escape in the heart of the city. Let the kids run around the playgrounds, take a boat ride on the lake, and enjoy a family picnic surrounded by lush greenery.

The Water Mirror (Le Miroir d’eau)

The Water Mirror Le Miroir deau
Source/Atlas Obscura

Located across from the Place de la Bourse, The Water Mirror is the world’s largest reflecting pool. Kids will love playing in the shallow water, and the stunning views of the historic architecture provide the perfect backdrop for family photos.


Family-Friendly Dining in Bordeaux

Exploring Bordeaux with kids can work up quite an appetite. Fortunately, the city offers a variety of family-friendly dining options.

Kid-Friendly Cafés and Restaurants

Bordeaux is home to numerous cafés and restaurants with kid-friendly menus and play areas. Le Petit Gourmand and Chez Loulou are popular choices among families, offering delicious meals in a welcoming atmosphere.

Local Markets and Street Food

Immerse your family in the local culinary scene by visiting Bordeaux’s markets. Marché des Capucins is a vibrant market where you can sample fresh produce and local specialties. Grab some cheese, bread, and fruit for a sustainable and delicious picnic.

Bordeaux, with its blend of history, culture, and sustainability, is an excellent destination for families seeking a memorable vacation. From family-friendly accommodations to educational museums and eco-friendly activities, Bordeaux has something for everyone. Embrace sustainable travel, explore the city’s hidden gems, and create lasting memories with your loved ones in this charming French city. So, pack your bags, and get ready for an unforgettable family adventure in Bordeaux!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Bordeaux a family-friendly destination?

Absolutely! Bordeaux offers a range of family-friendly activities, parks, and museums suitable for children of all ages.

Are there sustainable accommodation options in Bordeaux?

Yes, Bordeaux has several eco-friendly accommodations that prioritize sustainability, offering a comfortable stay for environmentally-conscious families.

Can kids participate in wine-related activities in Bordeaux?

While wine tasting is typically for adults, some vineyards in Bordeaux offer family-friendly tours, including grape juice tastings and interactive exhibits

How can I explore Bordeaux sustainably with kids?

Opt for eco-friendly transportation options like cycling, explore parks and gardens, and support businesses that prioritize sustainable practices.


What are the best times to visit Bordeaux with kids?

Spring and early autumn are ideal times to visit Bordeaux with pleasant weather, fewer crowds, and a vibrant atmosphere.
