Israel is a country filled with culture, and Afula is a fantastic city to experience some of its cultures. With hot air balloon tours, parks and museums. Read on to discover our list of the ten best things to do in Afula, Israel.

1. Mount Tabor

in your list of things to do in Afula visit the Mount Tabor
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Measuring 575 meters in height, Mount Tabor is an unusual mountain. It rises in the middle of flat surroundings to create a perfect half-sphere. The Catholic Church at the top of the hill is viewable from below the town, suggesting its large size. Mount Tabor is a significant landmark; it has been used as the grounds for war and is said to be the Transfiguration place of Jesus by many Christians. 

2. Giv’at HaMo’re Reserve

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Giv’at HaMo’re Reserve is a serene park where you can take the family for a short time. Carry your games to play on the picnic tables provided. There is a bit of land to tour here, so that you can come along with your hiking shoes and journey into the tracks. 

Biking is also a fantastic pastime for guests if you have bikes available. The sights are incredible at the reserve, mostly during spring when new flowers bloom. 

3. Well of Harod

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The Well of Harod is one of the fantastic things to do when seeing Afula. Also known as the “Spring of Harod,” this site lures visitors worldwide. It is recognised as “Ayn Jalut” in Arabic, which means the Spring of Goliath. Noted in the Book of Judges, this landmark signifies a lot to the people of the neighbouring areas. This site holds a lot of history, so many people tour the area. The Well of Harod is located in Ma’ayan Harod National Park, so pack for a vacation and enjoy your stay.


4. Skytrek Hot Air Balloon Tours

in your list of things to do in Afula visit the Skytrek Hot Air Balloon Tours
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Hot air balloon tours are the most incredible way to see the beauty of a city. The pilots are very polite and ready to answer your questions while in the air. The giant balloons are adorned in various ways, but they are all well-preserved, which makes the trip less demanding and more entertaining. Remember to pack a camera for this trip, as you can capture incredible views from the sky. 

5. Church of Transfiguration

in your list of things to do in Afula visit the Church of Transfiguration
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This is the place Christians believe was the spot of Christ’s transfiguration, from where he was carried to an unnamed mountain to speak with Elijah and Moses. The Church of Transfiguration is an architecturally fantastic sight. The church was constructed on Byzantine church remains from the 4th to 6th centuries. Also, there is a Greek Orthodox church, situated a small distance from this church, devoted to the Transfiguration of Christ.

6. Bet Alpha Synagogue National Park

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This synagogue is a huge, architecturally sound building, with a corridor, courtyard and a primary hall, with a second-story balcony for tourists to see. There are a lot of diverse mosaics in this synagogue to explore. They portray different historical points and allow guests to experience what it felt like to live when the building was established in the fifth century. The twelve signs of the zodiac emerge here as well, in Hebrew, encompassing the sun god, Helios, riding his chariot with his four horses across the sky. 

7. Animals Zone

in your list of things to do in Afula visit the Animals Zone
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Animals Zone is a nice zoo to visit for families with children. There are various animals; you can even feed some of them for a token. They have many unique animals here due to the warmer climate. These animals include hyenas, jackals, wolves, roe deer, white oryx, and birds, such as eagles. There are also some beautiful gardens to look at and walk through here. The different flowers attract many birds and butterflies you can watch.

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8. Tel Megiddo Museum

in your list of things to do in Afula visit Tel Megiddo Museum
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Megiddo is a revered town in Israel that is next to Afula. The ruins of the city display what used to be palaces, temples, water systems and gates, all left for tourists to experience the power that this town once had. You’ll also find the museum where museum workers store and preserve artworks. This is a fantastic place to see as it used to be the most formidable city in the Canaan region, which was considered the Promised Land to those that lived here.


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A refreshing entertainment park at the base of Mt. Gilboa, where the Harod spring increases in a cave and flows directly into a stream. Above the slope, overhead the valley, is the family grave of Olga Hankin and Yehoshua, close to their small home, which explains their life story.


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Gazit Ranch provides numerous trails like romantic paths for couples, including large groups, picnics, family getaways and family rides. You can take a one-hour course or ride for a few days! The horses are fabulous and convenient for first-time riders. The route takes you out of Israel’s field.

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