7 Ecotourism in Costa Rica | Sustainable Travel in Costa Rica

Are you a nature lover seeking a destination that not only offers breathtaking landscapes but also places a strong emphasis on sustainability? Look no further than Costa Rica, a paradise for eco-conscious travelers. In this travel guide, we’ll delve into the world of sustainable travel in Costa Rica, exploring eco-friendly activities, accommodations, and must-visit destinations that showcase the country’s commitment to preserving its rich biodiversity.

Commitment to Sustainable Travel in Costa Rica

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Aerial view of Tamarindo Beach and Estuar – Source/ iStockimages; courtesy of Caroline Brundle Bugge

Costa Rica has long been a trailblazer in the realm of sustainable tourism. The government and local communities have worked together to establish a model for eco-friendly practices that minimize the environmental impact of tourism while maximizing the benefits for local communities. From lush rainforests to pristine beaches, the country’s dedication to conservation makes it an ideal destination for those seeking an eco-conscious travel experience.

Eco-Friendly Accommodations: Where to Stay

1. Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation & Inn

Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation Inn

Nestled in the central highlands of Costa Rica, Finca Rosa Blanca is not just a place to rest your head; it’s an immersive eco-friendly experience. Surrounded by coffee plantations and vibrant gardens, this boutique inn utilizes sustainable practices, including solar power and organic farming. Wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed, locally sourced coffee and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

2. Lapa Rios Lodge


For a truly immersive rainforest experience, Lapa Rios Lodge in the Osa Peninsula is a top pick. This eco-lodge is committed to preserving the adjacent rainforest and supporting local conservation efforts. With its thatched-roof bungalows and panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, Lapa Rios offers an eco-luxury experience where sustainability meets comfort.

Must-Visit Eco Destinations in Costa Rica

3. Tortuguero National Park

Known as the “Amazon of Costa Rica,” Tortuguero National Park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Accessible only by boat or plane, this remote destination is a critical nesting site for sea turtles, including the endangered green turtle. Explore the network of canals and witness the incredible biodiversity, from howler monkeys to vibrant bird species.


4. Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

A must-visit for nature lovers, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is a mystical destination shrouded in mist. Walk through suspended bridges amidst the treetops and discover the rich flora and fauna that call this cloud forest home. With numerous trails catering to different fitness levels, Monteverde offers an enchanting experience for eco-conscious travelers.

5. Corcovado National Park

For the adventurous souls seeking a rugged wilderness experience, Corcovado National Park on the Osa Peninsula is a prime destination. Home to 13 different ecosystems, this park boasts an incredible variety of wildlife, including jaguars and tapirs. Hike through lush rainforests, cross pristine rivers, and immerse yourself in the untouched beauty of Costa Rica’s largest national park.

Eco-Friendly Activities in Costa Rica

6. Sustainable Surfing in Dominical

surf girl dominical

Costa Rica’s Pacific coast is a haven for surfers, and Dominical is a hotspot for those seeking sustainable surfing experiences. Numerous surf schools in the area emphasize eco-friendly practices, including beach clean-ups and responsible waste disposal. Catch some waves while contributing to the preservation of the pristine coastal environment.

7. Canopy Tours in Arenal

Zip Line Canopy Tour Arenal Volcano La Fortuna 5 1

Arenal, known for its majestic volcano, offers exhilarating canopy tours that allow you to soar through the treetops. Experience the thrill of zip-lining while taking in breathtaking views of the Arenal Volcano and Lake Arenal. Many operators in the region focus on sustainable tourism, ensuring minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystems.

Embrace Nature Responsibly

Costa Rica’s commitment to sustainable travel makes it a prime destination for eco-conscious adventurers. From eco-lodges surrounded by lush landscapes to thrilling activities that immerse you in nature, this Central American gem offers a unique blend of adventure and environmental stewardship. So pack your bags, leave only footprints, and embark on an eco-adventure that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a sense of contribution to a greener planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is Costa Rica safe for eco-tourists?

Absolutely! Costa Rica is known for its friendly locals and commitment to environmental protection. Just exercise common sense, be respectful of nature, and follow local guidelines.

Q2: How can I ensure my travel has a positive impact?

Choose eco-friendly accommodations, participate in responsible wildlife tours, and support local communities by purchasing sustainable products.

Q3: Are there any eco-friendly transportation options?

Yes, Costa Rica offers eco-friendly transportation, including electric shuttles and hybrid rental cars. Additionally, explore the destinations by walking or biking when possible.

Q4: Can I volunteer for conservation efforts during my visit?

Absolutely! Many national parks and conservation organizations welcome volunteers. Check in advance and contribute to the preservation of Costa Rica’s natural wonders.
